Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Highly Sought after UFC Competition

RecoveryDoc athlete Mike Easton and his contender Raphael Assuncao
The competition will be held, Saturday, December 8th. Dr. Rick Rosa of Accessible Beltway Clinics has worked with professional fighter Mike Easton over the years.

Mike Easton UFC
All of the details about the fight and the players can be viewed on the UFC's website ---> http://bit.ly/TFNym5.
Dr. Rosa, a revolutionary leader in the field of sports chiropractic therapy,  has utilized his famed 6 Pillars of Recovery Program, with professional athlete Mike Easton over the years.

Watch Video of MMA Pro Mike Easton

Mike Easton lifts weight and talks about his recovery which was shortened by 50% of the estimated time after treatment by RecoveryDoc.


Dr. Rosa, a graduate of New York Chiropractic College, has devoted countless years to the study and integration of chiropractic medicine for recovery and sports. He consistently demonstrates his passion for the advancement of chiropractic medicine through continuous efforts in the education and training of both the chiropractic and athletic community on the essentials of chiropractic therapy and recovery.Video of MMA Pro Mike Easton as he lifts weight and talks about his recovery which was shortened by 50% of the estimated time after treatment by RecoveryDoc.

Dr. Rosa, the founder of RecoveryDoc, works with professional athletes— enabling them to train harder and recovery faster. He ensures athletes not only recover, but are able to perform better and train harder in preparation for the field.

RecoveryDoc’s Six Pillars of Recovery cover all aspects of recovery for injuries and training. The Six Pillars include; awareness of state, rest, play, nutrition, physical and psychological – ensuring professional athletes, recover faster and train harder.

The role of sports chiropractic care has greatly evolved over the past 20 years and Dr. Rosa plays an active role in the continual advancement.

Watch RecoveryDoc Athlete Mike Easton, Saturday, December 8th on Fox!

This is an event you don’t want to miss!
--> http://www.ufc.com/event/FOX5#/fight/Raphael-Assuncao-Mike-Easton

If you have more questions about chiropractic care, contact us at 301-474-5505 or sign-up at www.GreenBeltChiropracticRehab.com for a free consultation!

Greenbelt Rehab maintains an active presence on many popular search and social media websites. Select your favorite website below to stay connected or review us. 

8713 Greenbelt Rd., #201 

Greenbelt, MD 20770



Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Adjust Your Mirrors, Stay Alive

With this being the most traveled day of the year, I wanted to share a short auto safety article I recently came across.

The past few years have seen an explosion of new electronic safety features in vehicles of all types and price ranges. One of the most talked about and most praised is the Lane Change Collision Avoidance System (CAS). It is also commonly referred to as the Lane Departure Warning (LDW) or the Lane Keeping System (LKS) This system alerts the driver to hazards in adjacent lanes or automatically steadies the car to avoid drifting into the adjacent lane. Some refer to it as the "blind spot" alarm. It appears to be a life saving feature and has so far proven its worth enough to be included on some base model cars.

However, some of us with older vehicles cannot take advantage of this new technology.

Fortunately we can ALL do something to get the same effect.  ADJUST THE SIDE MIRRORS. In 1995 the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) published a paper suggesting how the outside mirrors can be used to prevent blind spots. The diagram complied from their conclusions is below (click here for the Car and Driver article).

Basically, the side view mirrors should be angled in such a way that YOUR car is NOT visible. This may take a little getting used to for some drivers, but it is definitely worth the switch.

Just goes to show that once again, small changes can have BIG effects.  You can get thousands of dollars worth of new technology just be making a simple, free change to your existing system.

Stay safe on those roads!!  Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!

Until next time.....

-Dr. Louis S. Crivelli II
 Greenbelt, MD

If you have more questions about chiropractic care, contact us at 301-474-5505 or sign-up at www.GreenBeltChiropracticRehab.com for a free consultation!

Greenbelt Rehab maintains an active presence on many popular search and social media websites. Select your favorite website below to stay connected or review us. 

8713 Greenbelt Rd., #201 

Greenbelt, MD 20770



Monday, November 5, 2012

Please Donate!!!

As someone who grew up in New Jersey, my thoughts and prayers are with those that have had their lives turned upside down by hurricane Sandy. New Jersey gave me a lot and I'm proud to give a little back to help the recovery.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Great News for Coffee Drinkers!!!

A new study done by the American Heart Association concludes that moderate coffee consumption is INVERSELY associated with risk of heart failure.  It seems like the magic number is 4 servings.

Please remember, that this study was looking at many different studies and drawing a conclusion considering all of them. If you have issues with blood pressure or caffeine addiction, it's best to follow your doctor's advice, which is likely to include limiting coffee consumption.
Also, this study concerns coffee, NOT coffee drinks (lattes, fraps, etc...) which are usually LOADED with calories, fat, and cholesterol. They almost always have a negative effect on your health, your waistline, and your wallet.

-Dr. C

Here's the abstract:

Habitual Coffee Consumption and Risk of Heart Failure

A Dose-Response Meta-Analysis

  1. Murray A. Mittleman, MD, DrPH


Background—There have been discrepant findings on the association between coffee consumption and risk of incident heart failure.
Methods and Results—We conducted a systematic review and a dose-response meta-analysis of prospective studies that assessed the relationship between habitual coffee consumption and the risk of heart failure. We searched electronic databases (MEDLINE, Embase, and CINAHL) from January 1966 through December 2011, with the use of a standardized protocol. Eligible studies were prospective cohort studies that examined the association of coffee consumption with incident heart failure. Five independent prospective studies of coffee consumption and heart failure risk, including 6522 heart failure events and 140 220 participants, were included in the meta-analysis. We observed a statistically significant J-shaped relationship between coffee and heart failure. Compared with no consumption, the strongest inverse association was seen for 4 servings/day and a potentially higher risk at higher levels of consumption. There was no evidence that the relationship between coffee and heart failure risk varied by sex or by baseline history of myocardial infarction or diabetes.
Conclusions—Moderate coffee consumption is inversely associated with risk of heart failure, with the largest inverse association observed for consumption of 4 servings per day.

For more information about "bad" foods that you should be eating, see my previous post....


...or contact me directly anytime. In addition to providing evidenced based chiropractic care for injuries and wellness, I am a Certified Nutrition Specialist and am always happy to discuss any nutritional issues that my patients may have.

Until next time,

Dr. Louis S. Crivelli II
Greenbelt, MD

8713 Greenbelt Rd., #201 

Greenbelt, MD 20770


Monday, September 17, 2012

The Worst Drivers in America

Allstate insurance company recently published its "Best Drivers Report" and Washington, DC finished dead last and earned the title "Worst Drivers in America". Its drivers were found to be 107.3% more likely to be in a collision compared the national average. Washington, DC also has the lowest amount of years between collisions with 4.8.  The average American city has an approximate 10 years between collisions average.

Washington DC shouldn't feel so alone because Baltimore, MD came in second to last. Drivers in Baltimore were found to be 88.7% more likely to be in a collision than the national average.  The amount of years between collisions was 5.3. Again, the national average is about 10 years between collisions.

So why would I cite such unpleasant statistics on a blog that is supposed to be about health, wellness, and chiropractic? The answer is simple, the city of Greenbelt, MD is located approximately 16 miles from Washington, DC and approximately 25 miles from Baltimore, MD.  Greenbelt Rehab is literally located in the center of the 2 worst driving cities in America.

It is estimated that there are 3 million NEW whiplash injuries each year.  Considering the location of my office, I would be an irresponsible member of the community if I didn't focus on those injured in automobile collisions. I have undergone specialty training from the Spine Research Institute of San Diego and am 1 of only 10 chiropractors in MD to have achieved their Certificate of Advanced Competency.

So while we are out there focusing on our driving (eyes on the road!) and actively trying to avoid collisions, the reality is that most of us in the DC/Baltimore area will eventually get into one. A significant percentage of those collisions will result in an injury of some type. These injuries often require some form of therapeutic intervention. Chiropractic care is THE treatment of choice for those involved in automobile collisions.  Patients receiving chiropractic care following a collision get better faster and tend to stay better longer.

So, if I may borrow a phrase from Allstate, if you find yourself injured following an automobile collision, PUT YOURSELF IN GOOD HANDS......GO SEE A CHIROPRACTOR

-Dr. Louis S. Crivelli II
 Greenbelt, MD (right in the thick of it)

8713 Greenbelt Rd., #201 

Greenbelt, MD 20770


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Rugby player uses Dry Needling to Stay Healthy

I saw this article about Louis Deacon and thought I'd share it.  Since my first name is also Louis, I too played lock in my rugby days, and since I am a Dry Needling Practicioner, I feel a special affinity for this short piece.

-Dr. C

Dry Needling Helps Rugby Player 


"If you'd asked me four months ago whether I'd play for England again I'd have said no," the 30-year-old admitted. "I didn't think I'd even play for Leicester."

Surgery on a prolapsed disc two years ago initially did the trick, but he suffered a relapse in the autumn and missed the first two months of the season.

His return to fitness, thanks to revolutionary
'dry needling' treatment and regular Pilates sessions, is enough of an achievement.

Dry Needling Treatment Helps  Pittsburg  Steeler 

Here's a picture of a Pittsburg Steeler getting dry needling treatment. More and more elite athletes as well as recreational athletes are discovering the effectiveness of this wonderful treatment.  It also helps with the pain and spasm associated with whiplash injuries.

Until next time.......

-Dr. Louis S. Crivelli II
 Greenbelt, MD

For More information on chiropractic care, please visit the Greenbelt Rehab website.

Greenbelt Chiropractic Rehab maintains an active presence on many popular search and social media websites. Select your favorite website below to stay connected or review us.
