Thursday, May 17, 2012

7 "Bad" Foods You Should Be Eating

As part of our "inside-out" healing philosophy at Greenbelt Rehab, we must pay significant attention to the way our patients eat and especially what our patients eat. Effective rehab from whiplash injuries, sports injuries, or even repetitive, everyday joint issues will not be achieved if we do not "heal from within".  To that end, I offer this short list of 7 foods that have been characterized as "bad for you", but are secretly, nutritionally "good" for you.
- Dr. C

Peanut Butter

The bad rep: Peanut butter is fattening.
The good news: Peanut butter is high in fat (mostly the "good" fat) but that doesn’t mean it’s fattening. (Gaining or losing weight and body fat basically comes down to balancing calories.) That said, peanut butter is a very concentrated source of calories, so you don’t want to go overboard. But you don’t need to eat tons to feel satisfied: just a tablespoon (90 calories) or two of peanut butter goes a long way. Plus, peanut butter provides protein and folate, a B vitamin important for the healthy development of new cells.
Dr. C's tip: Try adding a square of dark chocolate to your tablespoon of peanut butter for an antioxidant boost and great taste.


The bad rep: Since eggs are a source of dietary cholesterol, they should be avoided by those concerned with heart health.
The good news: Many studies and experts now emphasize that saturated fats and trans fats are bigger culprits in raising blood cholesterol than dietary cholesterol is. Plus, eggs are super-satisfying: in one study, people who ate a scrambled-egg-and-toast breakfast felt more satisfied, and ate less at lunch, than they did when they ate a bagel of the same size and same number of calories. Egg yolks also contain high levels of lutein and zeaxanthin, compounds that research links with reduced risk for age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the leading cause of blindness in people over 50.
Dr. C's tip: If you like your eggs scrambled and are still worried about the cholesterol in yolks, try experimenting with the yolk to white ratio (ex. 3 whites per 1 yolk).


The bad rep: Beef is full of saturated fat and dietary cholesterol, so people who care about their hearts should avoid it.
The good news: Lean cuts of beef are a good source of protein and iron (a mineral essential for the transport of oxygen throughout the body). There are many lean cuts of steaks: filet mignon, sirloin, strip steak, flank steak. If you can’t remember the names, pick steaks that are deep red with a relatively small amount of marbling—a fancy name for fat—to find lean cuts.
Dr. C's tip: Treat beef as a side dish, not a main course and try to find GRASS FED beef whenever possible.  When cows graze on grass instead of corn, the fat in their meat has more healthful, antiinflammatory Omega-3 faty acids.


The bad rap: Chocolate has lots of fat and sugar—and it tastes amazing, so it must be bad for you.
The good news:  Dark chocolate contains flavanols and antioxidants that seem to have a blood-thinning effect, which can benefit cardiovascular.  And, recently, researchers in Switzerland (where else?) reported that eating dark chocolate (1.4 ounces of it) every day for two weeks reduced stress hormones, including cortisol, in highly stressed people. But be sure to account for the calories (1.4 ounces delivers 235)—or you may be stressed to see extra pounds creeping on.
Dr. C's tip: Chocolate is very calorie dense, so remember, a little goes a long way. Try to avoid milk chocolate or any chocolate product mixed with other sugary substances (caramel, ice cream, etc.). The darker the chocolate (higher percentage of cacao) the more antioxidants.


The bad rap: Potatoes rank high on the glycemic index, which measures how quickly different foods raise your blood sugar. Foods with a high GI value tend to cause a higher spike in blood sugar, and in insulin, the hormone that helps glucose get into cells—which can be a problem for some people, particularly those with diabetes.
The good news: Potatoes are a good source of fiber, potassium and vitamin C. And unless you’re eating an absolutely plain potato all by itself, its GI value doesn’t matter all that much. (It’s also worth noting that the glycemic index is an imperfect and sometimes controversial scale.) A high-GI potato becomes a low-GI meal if you simply add a little olive oil, beans, or another low GI food because the added fat and protein helps slow the absorption of the potato’s carbohydrates.
Dr. C's tip: New potatoes (small, waxy potatoes sometimes differently colored) are the perfect portion size and lower GI than larger baking potatoes. Eat those instead.


The bad rep:  Where to start?, coffee can make you super-jittery, interfere with your sleep and, well, it’s just not good for you.
The good news: Studies show that compounds in coffee, including but not limited to caffeine, may reduce the risk of dementia, diabetes and liver cancer. Most benefits are associated with drinking 2 to 4 (8-ounce) cups a day. That said, coffee can make some people jittery; and if this is true for you, you should cut back. You should also limit caffeine if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding. The American Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology advises no more than two cups a day while expecting or nursing.
Dr. C's tip: Its no secret to my friends and patients that I love a good cup of coffee. I do however, try to do most of my coffee drinking in the morning hours.  Usually I switch to green or oolong tea in the afternoon. They have less caffeine and many health benefits.


The bad rap: Nuts are full of fat.
The good news: Nuts are full of fats, BUT they’re the good, heart-healthy unsaturated kinds. Nuts also deliver other healthy nutrients, depending on the nut. For example, pistachios are rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants that help keep eyes healthy. Almonds provide vitamin E and walnuts offer significant amounts of heart-healthy omega-3 fats. You do need to keep an eye on serving size, though: at around 160 to 200 calories per ounce, nuts do pack a substantial amount of calories.
Dr. C's tip: A handful of nuts is all you should consume at a time due to the calorie density. Try combining dark chocolate and nuts for 2 great treats (dark chocolate covered almonds or walnuts) in one package.

Here's hoping that you include some of these "bad" foods into your diet.

-Dr. Louis S. Crivelli II
 Greenbelt, MD

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