Monday, September 17, 2012

The Worst Drivers in America

Allstate insurance company recently published its "Best Drivers Report" and Washington, DC finished dead last and earned the title "Worst Drivers in America". Its drivers were found to be 107.3% more likely to be in a collision compared the national average. Washington, DC also has the lowest amount of years between collisions with 4.8.  The average American city has an approximate 10 years between collisions average.

Washington DC shouldn't feel so alone because Baltimore, MD came in second to last. Drivers in Baltimore were found to be 88.7% more likely to be in a collision than the national average.  The amount of years between collisions was 5.3. Again, the national average is about 10 years between collisions.

So why would I cite such unpleasant statistics on a blog that is supposed to be about health, wellness, and chiropractic? The answer is simple, the city of Greenbelt, MD is located approximately 16 miles from Washington, DC and approximately 25 miles from Baltimore, MD.  Greenbelt Rehab is literally located in the center of the 2 worst driving cities in America.

It is estimated that there are 3 million NEW whiplash injuries each year.  Considering the location of my office, I would be an irresponsible member of the community if I didn't focus on those injured in automobile collisions. I have undergone specialty training from the Spine Research Institute of San Diego and am 1 of only 10 chiropractors in MD to have achieved their Certificate of Advanced Competency.

So while we are out there focusing on our driving (eyes on the road!) and actively trying to avoid collisions, the reality is that most of us in the DC/Baltimore area will eventually get into one. A significant percentage of those collisions will result in an injury of some type. These injuries often require some form of therapeutic intervention. Chiropractic care is THE treatment of choice for those involved in automobile collisions.  Patients receiving chiropractic care following a collision get better faster and tend to stay better longer.

So, if I may borrow a phrase from Allstate, if you find yourself injured following an automobile collision, PUT YOURSELF IN GOOD HANDS......GO SEE A CHIROPRACTOR

-Dr. Louis S. Crivelli II
 Greenbelt, MD (right in the thick of it)

8713 Greenbelt Rd., #201 

Greenbelt, MD 20770
